Zip By Spree Hotels Chakan
Zip By Spree Hotels Chakan is a reasonable choice for travelers looking for a 4-star hotel in Pune. The Hotel is in proximity to some popular tourist attractions and other places of interest in Pune. Some of the tourist attractions include and MCA Stadium (16.4 km). From all the 4 Star hotels in Pune, Zip By Spree Hotels Chakan is very much popular among tourists. A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies, and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. At Zip by Spree Hotels Chakan, many room choices are available across different categories and it’s easy to choose one that is best suited for your needs. All rooms include Air Conditioning, Room service, Electronic Safe Locker, Electric Kettle, Wifi, Work Desk, Charging points. Be it the first meal of the day or a quick bite, the in-house Dining Area is the place to unwind over good food. The hotel has a great in-house restaurant, Treat, serving the most authentic food! Find the right food for your palate as you explore the delicious multi-cuisine menu which serves Indian, Chinese, and Continental. The breakfast includes fresh seasonal fruits, your choice of bread rolls, eggs the way you like them, as well as Indian breakfast which includes your choice of Dosa, Idly, Poori Bhaji, and a lot more, to make sure you can keep going through the day and have the energy to experience everything Chakan has to offer.
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- Early Check In – Late Check Out - Early check-in and late check-out is subject to availability.
- Pet Policy - No pets will be allowed in the hotel premises.
- Hotel Entry Policy - All guests above the age of 18 years will be expected to produce a government approved ID.
- These include driver’s license, passport, Aadhar card or voters ID.
- If valid ID proof is not produced, the hotel reserves the right to deny booking.
- Guests of hotel residents will be allowed to stay in the room till 10:00 PM.
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- Check-in/Check-out
- Check-in: 02:07 AM
- Check-out: 12:07 PM
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